Advocacy International is proud to announce the launch of African Health Stats, a ground-breaking data site from the African Union built in partnership with Advocacy International, African Strategies for Heath, AUSAID, USAID, MamaYe, MSH, UKAID and UNFPA.
Our programme director, Efua Dorkenoo, and Lynne Featherstone, Minister for International Development in the UK government,
The Ai team is proud to be a member of the consortium driving a social change campaign, to end FMC/C in one generation. The consortium is led by Efua Dorkenoo of Equality Now in partnership with DfID, and will support the increasing momentum to end FGM/C in Africa.
Advocacy International is proud to have helped produce a new website for the African Union’s Campaign for the Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA).
The website promotes maternal and newborn survival, and provides evidence on progress in achieving the targets African leaders have set. Continue Reading
Ai’s Creative Adviser Maz Kessler has just launched Catapult, a crowdfunding website for girls. Maz designed and developed Catapult as a way to help address the huge global problem of gender inequality. As part of the launch, she penned this article introducing the project and its potential impact:
Originally published on The Huffington Post and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
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